The Hokkaido Wolves Pack, also known as the Hokkaidō Ōkami-Pakku or The Lone-Wolf Organization, are a group of mercenaries led by Celestia Bloodfallen.We were originally employed, equipped and associated with the Garlean Empire, and cemented themselves as rivals of the Sions of the Seventh Dawn and the rest of Eorzea, although in contrast to Sion's motivations for justice and freedom, the The Lone-Wolf Organization tends to make a living by dabbling in more illegal activities such as larceny and smuggling, gaining fearsome reputations and have massive bounties placed on their heads because of their work.Their main one of a kind ships in all of Eorzea is the Wolfen, one of the few starfighters from the Allagan Civilization in the Eorzea System which can rival the Everyone in the world.

The Hokkaido Wolves Pack

Free Company Housing/Sushi Bar Coming Soon... Once we are able to afford a FC Land and Housing.

Showcasing our five Houses within the Organization

❝ "Eorzea. Let me give you one piece of advice... Don't hesitate! When the time comes, just act!"

[ The Hokkaido Wolves Pack ]Services Offered by The Hokkaido Wolves Pack:Service #1:
"Filler Text Here"
Service #1:
"Filler Text Here"
Service #1:
"Filler Text Here"
Service #1:
"Filler Text Here"
Confidentiality and Security:The Hokkaido Wolves Pack understands the need for discreetness and top notch security. We handle with the serious privacy, protecting our high-payin clients' identity and ensuring the their transactions remines secretive.Rest assured your trust in our operations is of uppermost importance, and we take every conceivable measure to maintain the highest level of security within this honorable family.Disclaimer:"Filler Text Here"Join Us:"Filler Text Here""Filler Text Here"

Final Fantasy XIV Online
Recruit - A - Friend Code

Updated Every 3 Hours!


* Bonus items can only be redeemed once per character.
(Inviting multiple friends will not grant additional bonus items.)
* Bonus items will be distributed to all characters associated with the corresponding service account, including characters created after the rewards have been claimed.

[Notes]- Each recruitment code may only be used to invite one friend.- You can only invite one friend every three hours.- Recruitment codes remain valid for 120 days.

Limsa Lominsa
AFK Spot
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X: 9.2, Y: 11.5)
Balmung [Crystal DC]

TRANSPORTATIONBy MountTeleport to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, and turn and head toward the market place, and just before that look to your left and thats our afk spot to find us (me).Chocobo PorterFor fast, direct transportation to the event, take the Chocobo Porter in Ul'dah (opposite Adventurers Guild) to Silver Bazaar.By FerryTeleport to Horizon, heading west into The Footfalls to the ferry skipper at Crescent Cove. Take the ferry to Silver Bazaar, and head up the docks to arrive at our fairgrounds.

❝ Never Half-Ass Two things! " or " Whole-Ass One Thing! "

Surviving everything they could throw at her, it almost because like a contest to see what would finally break her. This went on for days, weeks to months, then years.. till finally she heard a voice "Hear...Feel...Think". Thinks shes finally lost it... the voice speaks to Celestia... telling her she will be free to only listen to her words.Truth be told she could have broken out at any time...destroyed them all. But no reason to do where to go. Till voice called out to her, introductions herself as hydaelyn blessing with her light, pointing her to where she was later found by the sions of the seventh dawn.Took some time before she told the sions everything that happen to her.. why she was always so stupidly strong, overly crafty, fast self healing without even casting any magic, the list goes on.It would be later she began working on her own organization, building it from the ground up to what it is now.

Celestia BloodfallenCelestia Bloodfallen stands not only as The Alphess to The Hokkaido Wolves Pack but also as the formidable leader of 5 House within the family—the nexus of both justice and freedom.With unwavering determination, Celestia navigates the delicate balance between running a organization by day and orchestrating a thriving underground enterprise by night.Her commanding presence and keen intellect makes her a valuable influence, as she adeptly weaves together the worlds of mercenary and illicit pursuits to insure Ezorea's safety and protection, leaving an indelible mark on the criminal underbelly of Hingashi.Celestia Bloodfallen was an orphan, never knowing her parents or even where she came from, she growing up fending for herself in everyway she could till she was captured and used for many unspeakable experiments and locked up afterword's.

Optional Theme
'Coming Soon...'

WHAT TO WEAR?For those who enjoy dressing to the occasion, we offer an optional theme: 'Coming Soon...'.What does such a theme convey to you? We imagine such influences as:➤ Bright, vivid colors
➤ Tribal / traditional attire
➤ Loose-flowing garments
➤ Exotic patterns (Thavnairian, etc.)
➤ Light layering (for hot days and cooler nights)
If themes aren't your thing, don't worry! Dress however you feel most comfortable and come on by.